Bundesministerium der Finanzen (55/366) 📷

Bank of the river Spree (54/366) 📷

Deutsche Post & Fernsehturm (53/366) 📷

350 bar WASSERSTOFF (52/366) 📷

Uninspired / bird atop in the tree (51/366) 📷

Eye (50/366) 📷

PWA irritated
I must confess Apple’s decision to break Web Apps (PWA’s) in the EU has me more than irritated. There are loads of projects where we could finally try to provide cross platforms PWA’s after they finally started supporting them last year, and now this. Please fill in the Open Web Advocacy’s survey if it’s affecting your projects or organization.
On a personal level, I will plan a switch to more open alternatives if this decision isn’t withdrawn. That will be a major hassle, with iPhone, AirPods and an Apple Watch to replace. But worth it.
No trespassing (Dutch: “Verboden toegang”) 49/366 📷

Tree & horse (48/366) 📷

QWERTY ASDF ZXC (47/366) 📷
(Yes, I didn’t get far from my laptop for most of the day. 😉)

Waiting under arches (46/366) 📷

Küchenprofi (45/366) 📷

Traffic jam in monochrome (44/366) 📷

Pointed (43/366) 📷

Plug it in (42/366) 📷

‘8’ (41/366) 📷

Strings (40/366) 📷

Rolling stars (39/366) 📷

Please just cycle (38/366) 📷

Shark teeth (37/366) 📷