Branch (64/365)

Winding wide branch in the forest. In black and white.

Classic windmill (63/365)

Windmill centered in de frame, against the backdrop of a blue sky, in black and white.

Tree in the mist (62/365)

Tree silhouet subtly outlined in the mist, in black and white.

Woodpecker showing of its skills:

Waves (61/365)

Wave shapes in the contour of a building, shown in black and white.

More crocuses (60/365)

Crocuses blooming, photographed from a low angle, in black and white.

Saxon Gate, or in Dutch: “Sassenpoort” (59/365)

The “Sassenpoort” in Zwolle, with a cyclist in front cycling by. In black and white.

Reflections (58/365)

Reflection of a tree and human silhouettes in water, in black and white.

Commodore 64 (57/365)

A Conmodore 64 computer on a shelf in the Bonami Games & Computers museum, with two controllers attached. Showing the game International Soccer on the connected screen, ready to play. In black and white.

Believe in bookstores (56/365)

Interior of the Van der Velden bookstore in the church ‘Broerenkerk’ in Zwolle, The Netherlands. In black and white.

Colin Devroe in What software should be:

I want software to be; fast, reliable, and simple. I want open software. I want software with a business model that I understand and allows me to pay. I want files. Local files. I want to own my own data. I want privacy. I want encryption. I want to choose when and how to use a local LLM.

All of the above. 👆

Separating (55/365).

Both tree trunks, and North-Atlantic countries.

3 tree trunks growing in different directions, separating from a closely connected spot on the ground.

Winter sun shadows (54/365)

Long shadows of the legs of 2 people standing outside. In black and white.

Teasel (53/365)

Two teasel cones on stalks outlined against a light sky, in black and white.

Opruimdag. Mooie gelegenheid om een oude laptop te voorzien van Linux.

The screen of a laptop with the Pop_OS Linux installer visible showing a progress bar at about 50%.

Capricious (52/365)

Irregular dark silhouet of the branches of a tree, outlined against the light day sky. In black and white.

Lines (51/365)

Straight branches, going through the photo from left to right, in black and white.

Cantucci and a flat white (50/365)

A cantucci Italian biscuit in the foreground, with a partially visible cup filled with milk foam and coffee. In black and white.

Arrows (49/365)

Detail of a keyboard, with the up, down, left and right arrows in the centre. The key caps are highlighted by light coming in through a window. In black and white.

Castle in the distance (48/365)

A wooden fence in the foreground, and people walking on a path towards a castle in the distance. In black and white.