Foggy morning (15/365).

Dark tree against a foggy backdrop, with multiple birds sitting in the top of the tree. Moody atmosphere, image in black and white.

Halfway into Rhythm of War by Brandon Sanderson (14/365). Book 4 of the series. πŸ“š

A hand holding the hardcover edition of Rhythm of War by Brandon Sanderson, in black and white. Cover art by Michael Whelan.

Spaceship (13/365)

Extended part of a building resting on a white pillar. In black and white.

Trunk (12/365)

Detail of a tree trunk, with the roots visible just above the ground. In black and white.

Crispy leaf (11/365)

A frozen leaf , in black and white.

Icy planks (10/365)

Outdoor table with ice on the wood, in black and white.

Icy reflections (9/365)

Reflection of lights in a tree on a softening ice surface, in black and white.

Winter diagonals (8/365)

A line of trees casting shadows, all shown as diagonals. In black and white.

Recycled Ferrari (7/365)

β€œRecycled Ferrari” sign on the back of a Volkswagen Lupo car

Running along the line (6/365)

View down on the road, showing a running leg in black and white on the left and a road line on the right.

Snow pattern (5/365)

Regular pattern of hill shapes on a snowy road

This is the way (4/365)

Winding path through the trees down a hill

Outdoor training (3/365)

Group of people running up a small hill, as part of an outdoor training

Lights turning on (2/365).

(In the cinema, after a screening of Wicked.)

Cloudy pond (1/365)

Podcasts > Spotify

Volgens mijn Spotify Wrapped luisterde ik dit jaar ongeveer 7000 minuten muziek (geen podcasts). Met als top-nummers alleen liedjes die mijn jongste veel luistert, en als top-artiesten voornamelijk achtergrondmuziek. Zonder dat me er veel van is bijgebleven.

Daar tegenover staat Overcast: 280 uur oftewel 16800 minuten aan podcast-luisterplezier. Met de nadruk op plezier.

Misschien moet ik toch eens Spotify opzeggen (en vaker Kink FM opzetten). En in 2025 een andere muziek-app uitproberen?

I’m in the middle of Words of Radiance by Brandon Sanderson. And motivated by the news that the 5th and last book in the Stormlight Archive series becomes available later this week. πŸ™‚πŸ“š

The .io county-code top-level domain (ccTLD) will disappear in the next years. Gareth Wilson explains why in The Disappearance of an Internet Domain: How geopolitics can alter digital infrastructure.

Anil Dash legt uit waarom we niet toe moeten staan dat Substack synoniem wordt voor nieuwsbrieven in β€˜Don’t call it a Substack’. Besloten social media hebben veel kapot gemaakt, laten we daarvan leren en uitgaan van β€˜open’. En het open web draait om links:

Links are powerful β€”Β that’s why Instagram and Twitter and Threads punish and limit them, and why Substack tries to take credit for them. And that’s why “wherever you get your podcasts” is such a radical concept β€” like email, it’s a medium that the tech tycoons don’t, and can’t, own. People can read your writing “wherever they get their email”.

En open algoritmes, zodat de miljardairs niet opnieuw het online discours kunnen overnemen en verrechtsen.

Essentieel leesvoer, helemaal nu: How to Survive Our Authoritarian Post-Truth Era:

  1. Do not obey in advance. Much of the power of authoritarianism is freely given. In times like these, individuals think ahead about what a more repressive government will want, and then start to do it without being asked. You’ve already done this, haven’t you? Stop. Anticipatory obedience teaches authorities what is possible and accelerates unfreedom.